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BGR Logistics President Director Describes the Company's Transformation in the Obrol Santai Ala 3

Jakarta, March 1, 2019 - Starting this March, the President Director of PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (Persero) or BGR Logistics, M. Kuncoro Wibowo, had the opportunity to be a guest speaker at the Obrol Santai Ala 3 event - Industry Update at the PT Hutchis


Support UMKM Partners, BGR Logistics Prepare the Art Shop in Kota Tua Jakarta

As a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN), PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (Persero) or currently known as BGR Logistics is also present to develop Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) actors. Through the Partnership and Community Development program (PKBL), BG


BGR Logistics Raih Penghargaan Innovative Company in Building Digital Logitics Companies Category : Transportation and Warehousing

Jumat (22/2) BGR Logistics yang diwakili oleh Direktur Pengembangan Usaha dan Sistem Informasi, Novian Andry Waskito menerima Penghargaan Innovative Company in Building Digital Logitics Companies Category : Transportation and Warehousing dari Wa


Kunjungan Wakil Ketua DPRD Bangka Belitung ke Kantor Pusat BGR Logistics

Rabu (20/2) Wakil Ketua DPRD Provinsi Bangka Belitung, Tony Purnama beserta jajarannya melakukan kunjungan ke Kantor BGR Logistics. Pada kunjungan tersebut Ia diterima oleh seluruh jajaran direksi BGR yang dipimpin oleh M. Kuncoro Wibowo selaku Dirut