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On 16 November, 2021, PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (Persero) or BGR Logistics was officially merged into PT Perusahaan Trade Indonesia (Persero) or PPI based on Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 97 of 2021.


Then on December 2, 2021, the signing of the Notary Deed of merging PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (Persero) or BGR Logistics into PT Perusahaan Trading Indonesia (Persero) or PPI at the Ministry of SOEs of the Republic of Indonesia. For the logistics business, PPI's subsidiary, PT TSV, changed its name to PT BGR Logistik Indonesia which is a merger of existing logistics services from BGR Logistics and PT TSV.




On December 13, 2021, a GMS was held to determine the members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of PT BGR Logistik Indonesia with the following composition:


1. Eddi Santosa as President Commissioner.


2. Mochamad Aswin as Independent Commissioner


3. Andry Tanudjaja as Commissioner


4. Budi Susanto as President Director


5. Energy as Director of Finance, HR and Business Support


6. Syailendra as Director of Commercial and Operations




Initially, BGR Logistik Indonesia's main business was to provide, rent and manage warehouse space, both closed and open (open storage) and to provide distribution services. In its development, BGR Logistics Indonesia has transformed into a Digital-based Logistics Company by implementing information technology in its business processes, as well as implementing ERP-SAP S4 HANA to support the work of BGR Logistics.




PT BGR Logistik Indonesia is increasingly positioning itself as "Your Smart Logistics Partner" which actively plays a role as an integrated, reliable and trusted logistics service provider in Indonesia. BGR Logistik Indonesia has 20 work areas spread throughout Indonesia, manages more than 500 warehouses and 1,500 fleets throughout Indonesia, and has 45 networks spread across several European countries, the United States, China, and Asia.




The long journey of 44 years and the company's ability to make a positive contribution to its stakeholders has proven that BGR Logistics is a reliable company.



